About Us
At the SEND Hub North West, we are passionate about empowering primary schools to provide the very best education for ALL children.
Our experienced team of specialist teachers offer expert assessments, tailored support, and practical strategies to help children and young people thrive in inclusive, supportive environments.
In 2024, we partnered with the Listening Tree Group to enhance our mental health and well-being support. Together, we help children understand their strengths and needs, provide parents with guidance on SEND diagnoses, and offer access to experienced play therapists, counsellors, and psychotherapists, ensuring comprehensive care for all.
Neuro-Affirming Support for Neurodivergent Pupils
Our expert team employs a neuro-affirming approach that acknowledges and supports individual capabilities without seeking to 'correct' them. This strengths and needs-based methodology emphasises developmental differences, providing support and adaptations that affirm and honour each child's neurodivergent identity.

Our Approach
With extensive teaching experience, our specialist teachers combine their expertise and qualifications to ensure a high-quality service that supports children, young people, and educational settings. All specialist teachers undergo comprehensive Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks to ensure the highest safeguarding standards.
Our mission is guided by three core aims:
We uncover every child’s potential, strengths, and needs, seeing beyond challenges to identify opportunities for growth and success.
We enhance primary school provision through meaningful strategies, tools, and resources that empower educators to create supportive, inclusive learning environments.
We help children flourish today and prepare for tomorrow by promoting resilience, confidence, and lifelong learning.

Together, we can build a future that celebrates neurodiversity and ensures all learners can succeed.
Our Services
Our aim is to provide a flexible, bespoke service to meet the needs of ALL pupils and settings. Our services can include SENDCo Consultations, staff training, and SENDCo Supervision via the Listening Tree Group.
"Where a child continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidence-based support and interventions that are matched to the child's area of need, practitioners should consider involving appropriate specialists, for example, health visitors, speech and language therapists, Portage workers, educational psychologists or specialist teachers, who may be able to identify effective strategies, equipment, programmes or other interventions to enable the child to make progress towards the desired learning and development outcomes."
The SEND Code of Practice (2014)
How do education settings make use of our specialist teachers?
Education settings can make use of our specialist teachers in a variety of ways.
Primary schools can commission a one-off assessment or opt for tailored packages delivered across the academic year. These packages can focus on a range of areas, from individual pupil support to whole-school development, with delivery on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or termly basis. Choosing one of our packages ensures peace of mind, with guaranteed access to our expertise whenever required.